Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up"-- a book review

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

I just finished reading a BEAUTIFUL book by Marie Kondo called

"The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up."  

I highly recommend it.  I loved the sweet feeling as I read Marie's loving description on how to clean house.  She spoke to my resistance to decluttering in her gentle, understanding way, and brought a new spiritual dimension to cleaning that I found refreshing and freeing.

She looks upon all things with gratitude and love, and even letting go of things can be done with grace and thanksgiving.  Her perception that letting go of an unused item was freeing it to be of use to someone else, and that the item will be happier if it is used, was helpful to me.

When I saw there was a section on folding socks, my first reaction was "What, she even tells us how to fold socks?  That doesn't seem that important."  But that section turned out to be a very enlightening read, and one that I will never forget.

I will not give any more away with spoilers, but I have to recommend this book to everyone, and especially to those fellow hoarders out there who tend to keep things to the extent of bogging up down.

I have begun the process and I am loving it!  I plan to have some very cheap garage sales in November (I love to see peoples faces when they get really good deals!), to release all the items I have not been using, or that do not bring me joy, so they can be used again, loved again, and be happy!

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